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“If a leisurely afternoon at a hotel sounds appealing right now, DayAway's Sling and Swim at Raffles Singapore is an option worth every penny.”


Featured Press

“The founder of Singapore-based travel start-up DayAway believes the daycation revolution is just the beginning.”

“What might a new hospitality economy look like when hotels become their own experiential marketplace?”

“The current state of travel has given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to accelerate hotel and user adoption for a platform like DayAway.”

“Daycations by a new platform DayAway are at the top of our Singapore travel bucket list.”

“It’s a genius idea, well-suited to both travellers and locals as it unlocks the kind of special occasion moments that are often inaccessible.”

“Where does one go when they need a quick respite within the day? The answer would be DayAway.”

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